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Content Gap Analysis

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This prompt is ideal for content strategists who want to perform a content gap analysis for a competitor's website. It utilizes AI to identify topics your competitor has covered but you haven't, helping you discover untapped content opportunities.
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10 months ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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109 ($0.00330 / call)
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[competitor website] [your industry/niche]
Example output
OUTPUT EXAMPLE As a content strategist, I will conduct a comprehensive content gap analysis for our competitor website, "" By leveraging IntelliSense, I will identify five key topics they have covered that we haven't. Additionally, I'll suggest relevant subtopics to create authoritative and comprehensive articles for our blog. Using IntelliSense, I'll also analyze keyword opportunities, search volume, and keyword difficulty for each topic to ensure that our content strategy addresses relevant and trending subjects. Finally, I will highlight any emerging trends or untapped keywords that can provide a competitive edge in the outdoor adventure equipment industry. Content Gap Analysis - Key Topic 1: "Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Hiking Boots" Subtopics to Create for Our Blog: 1. "Top 10 Hiking Boots for Different Terrain and Weather Conditions" 2. "How to Properly Break in New Hiking Boots for Maximum Comfort" 3. "Hiking Boot Maintenance: Tips for Prolonging Lifespan and Performance" Keyword Opportunities: • "best hiking boots" • "hiking boots for different terrain" • "comfortable hiking boots" • "hiking boots maintenance tips" Key Topic 2: "The Complete Camping Checklist for Beginners" Subtopics to Create for Our Blog: 1. "Essential Camping Gear for Families: A Comprehensive Guide" 2. "Lightweight Camping Gear for Backpackers: A Packing Checklist" 3. "Seasonal Camping Checklist: What to Bring for Summer vs. Winter Camping" Keyword Opportunities: • "camping checklist for beginners" • "camping gear essentials" • "family camping checklist" • "backpacking gear checklist" Key Topic 3: "Survival Skills Every Outdoor Enthusiast Should Master" Subtopics to Create for Our Blog: 1. "Wilderness Navigation: Tips for Using a Map and Compass" 2. "Building Shelter in Emergency Situations: A Step-by-Step Guide" 3. "Foraging for Edible Plants: Safety Tips and Common Mistakes" Keyword Opportunities: • "outdoor survival skills" • "wilderness navigation techniques" • "emergency shelter building" • "edible plants for survival" Key Topic 4: "Choosing the Right Backpack for Your Adventure" Subtopics to Create for Our Blog: 1. "How to Select a Backpack Size and Fit: A Comprehensive Guide" 2. "Backpack Features for Outdoor Photographers: What to Look For" 3. "Backpacks vs. Daypacks: Which is Best for Your Outdoor Pursuits?" Keyword Opportunities: • "backpack size and fit guide" • "best backpacks for outdoor photographers" • "backpack vs. daypack" • "hiking backpack features" Key Topic 5: "Exploring the Most Scenic National Parks in [Country/Region]" Subtopics to Create for Our Blog: 1. "Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known National Parks Worth Visiting" 2. "Best National Parks for Wildlife Photography: Capturing Nature's Beauty" 3. "National Parks with Family-Friendly Trails: Fun and Educational Adventures" Keyword Opportunities: • "scenic national parks in [country/region]" • "lesser-known national parks" • "national parks for wildlife photography" • "family-friendly national park trails" Emerging Trends and Untapped Keywords: 1. "Eco-Friendly Outdoor Gear": Addressing the growing demand for sustainable and environmentally conscious products in the outdoor equipment industry. 2. "Adventure Travel Post-COVID": Creating content that caters to the increasing interest in safe and exciting outdoor travel experiences post-pandemic. By addressing these content gaps and incorporating relevant subtopics, we can develop a well-rounded and authoritative content strategy that meets the needs of our audience and establishes our brand as an industry leader. Moreover, by capitalizing on emerging trends and untapped keywords, we can gain a competitive edge and position ourselves as a go-to resource for outdoor adventure enthusiasts.
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